On Page and Off Site SEO Techniques 2016 Edition

1 an hour ago I have posted the on-page SEO optimization techniques article but When I thought that one thing is more important which is called Off-site SEO for the blog is missing So I am starting the topic now.

On Page and Off Site SEO Techniques

Blogs are the most important part of the website or Internet marketing. They have developed into well-liked because they are user-friendly. But not everyone can do the successful blog. You need a traffic to your blog so you should learn the SEO techniques so that you make your blog visible to search engines results and get traffic.

There are 5 things that can play mots important role in high ranking to search engines.

  1. Title Tags
  2. keywords
  3. Description
  4. keywords density SEO
  5. keyword placement

Keywords placement

Your selected keywords should display on your title ,headline(H1), URL, Images, description and also in the content itself. At least one keyword use after the per 100 words, it's wise and useful. When you are using an image for your content then make sure you are adding keywords in alt text or not,  for the best result of  keywords, you should use image alt text in your post so that  the image can help you to rank in the image search.

Quality Content Is king

If you want to rank fastly in search engines so create a quality and useful content. If your site has plenty of topics, marketers  can indicate to your site because your blog is impressive and gives the helpful  information.

Off-Site SEO for blog or Website

When you optimize your post for SEO score then use also off-site SEO Techniques. because this way you  can create inbound links.What are inbound links? Next article will write on this topic but remember you can only build links relevant sites, not everyone. You can build more inbound links to your site by submitting content to article directories and also you can for guest posts.

Use the above tips  and create a lot of links to your blog. Now finished this topic of on-page and off-site SEO techniques.


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